Running with Tick Data.
Changing timeframe to 30 secs yields 727 bars, 1 min produces 388 bars, 2 mins yields 196 but 80secs, 90 secs, 100 secs, 110 secs all yield 388 bars. ( same as 1 min). That doesn't seem correct.
Can anyone explain what is happening??
There is no 110-second interval in AmIBroker.
N-second intervals supported are BELOW 1-minute, i.e. N needs to be < 60.
You can have 1-second, 2-seconds, 3-seconds, 4-seconds all the way upto 60.
Anything above 60 seconds is treated as N-minute interval (fractions are truncated). Therefore 60-second, 61-second, 62-second, 80-second and 110-second are all treated as just 1-minute. 120-second is 2 minute, 180-second is 3-minute, 360-second is 6-minute.
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Thanks for quick reply.
I must have overlooked that in the manual.
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