I read in the documentation that to get (and modify) position size on the CBT signal object, one should use PosSize.
float PosSize
requested position size (positive numbers mean dollar value, negative values mean percent of portfolio equity)
Also on this page:
It shows exemple on how to intercept entry signal and modify position size, based on dollars.
Instead of specifying position size by dollar value or percent value, can it be specified by number of contract?
Example code from above link:
if (Status("action") == actionPortfolio)
bo = GetBacktesterObject(); // Get backtester object
bo.PreProcess(); // Do pre-processing
for (i = 0; i < BarCount; i++) // Loop through all bars
for (sig = bo.GetFirstSignal(i); sig; sig = bo.GetNextSignal(i))
{ // Loop through all signals at this bar
if (sig.IsEntry() && sig.IsLong()) // If this signal is a long entry (ie. buy)
evol = Foreign("~evol_"+sig.Symbol, "V"); // Get stock's composite volume array
psize = sig.PosSize; // Get position size specified in AFL code
if (psize < 0) // If it's negative (a percentage of equity)
psize = (-psize/100) * bo.Equity; // Convert to dollar value using current equity
scnt = psize / sig.Price; // Calculate number of shares for position size
if (scnt > evol[i] / 10) // If number of shares is > 10% of volume EMA
scnt = evol[i] / 10; // Limit number of shares to 10% of EMA value
psize = scnt * sig.Price; // Calculate new position size
if (psize < 5000) // If position size is less than $5,000
psize = 0; // Set to zero so buy signal will be ignored
if (psize > 50000) // If position size is greater than $50,000
psize = 50000; // Limit to $50,000
sig.PosSize = psize; // Set modified position size back into object
} // End of for loop over signals at this bar
bo.ProcessTradeSignals(i); // Process trades at this bar
} // End of for loop over bars
bo.PostProcess(); // Do post-processing
Would there be anyway to modify:
if (psize > 50000) // If position size is greater than $50,000
psize = 50000; // Limit to $50,000
to specify a number of contract instead of 50000?
SetPositionSize( 1, spsShares );
in regular AFL code have any influence?