Good morning, I am starting to use Amiquote and I have a few questions I would appreciate some help with.
Let´s see.
I ) I just updated Amiquote to the last Version 4.06. I see that now Barchart and Google are not available as data sources. Is that correct??
- I have a database with realtime data that I get through a plugin . (investing data plugin). It happens that some symbols are not supported by Investing or they have little history. I would like to know If I can use another EOD datasource in the same data base for those symbols. My idea is to use Amiquote to download from Yahoo EOD or Tiingo EOD or any other EOD supported by Amiquote for those symbols . I have seen in this forum that it is not possible when the two data sources are realtime but this is not the case. Is this possible???
- In case it is possible to do what I mentioned , The problem I have is thas as soon as I go to Amiquote (Tools/Auto-Updatequotes(amiquote)it starst to download data for all the symbols I have in the database and that Is not what I want because 95% of the database will get the data from the plugin and onlly some selected symbols I want to get the data through Amiquote
a)How to do so when I open Amiquote it does not start to download until I tell Amiquote What Ticker list and Source to dowload?? I have looked In the setup of Amiquote but I do not see it
b) where is store the ticker list with all the symbols of the database??
- How does the symbol translation table work?? Can I select a complete ticker list with symbols in yahoo format and have the symbol tranlation table give me the tiingo symbol format??
Thanks a lot in advance.