@Tomasz and @nsm51
Currently I use OpenAlgo (Authentication, Symbol Management, Common Broker API Management, GUI based Trade Reports, API Validation (testing strategies) and Trade Management (Time Based Trade Management) etc.
This is the Amibroker Native Function to place orders. It is native to Amibroker to placeorder. Will it be efficient enough or still IBcontroller techniques are preferred?
// OpenAlgo - Amibroker SmartOrder Chart Trading Module v2.0
// Date - 12/12/2024
_SECTION_BEGIN("OpenAlgo SmartOrder Trading Module - Modern Methods");
RequestTimedRefresh(1, False);
// Define parameter controls
apikey = ParamStr("OpenAlgo API Key", "******");
strategy = ParamStr("Strategy", "Amibroker");
symbol = ParamStr("Symbol", "YESBANK");
exchange = ParamList("Exchange", "NSE|NFO|BSE|MCX|CDS");
pricetype = ParamStr("Price Type", "MARKET");
product = ParamList("Product", "MIS|NRML|CNC");
quantity = Param("Quantity", 1, 1, 1000, 1);
position_size = Param("Position Size", 0, -1000, 1000, 1);
host = ParamStr("Host", "");
ver = ParamStr("API Version", "v1");
VoiceAlert = ParamList("Voice Alert", "Disable|Enable", 1);
EnableAlgo = ParamList("Algo Mode", "Disable|Enable", 0);
EnableButton = ParamList("Button Trading", "Disable|Enable", 0);
Entrydelay = Param("Entry Delay",0,0,1,1);
Exitdelay = Param("Exit Delay",0,0,1,1);
AlgoBuy = lastvalue(Ref(Buy,-Entrydelay));
AlgoSell = lastvalue(Ref(Sell,-Exitdelay));
AlgoShort = lastvalue(Ref(Short,-Entrydelay));
AlgoCover = lastvalue(Ref(Cover,-Exitdelay));
// Construct URL base
bridgeurl = host + "/api/" + ver;
static_name_ = Name()+GetChartID()+interval(2)+strategy;
static_name_algo = static_name_+interval(2)+strategy+"algostatus";
//OpenAlgo Dashboard
GfxSelectFont( "BOOK ANTIQUA", 14, 100 );
GfxSetBkMode( 1 );
if(EnableAlgo == "Enable")
AlgoStatus = "Algo Enabled";
GfxSetTextColor( colorGreen );
GfxTextOut( "Algostatus : "+AlgoStatus , 20, 40);
_TRACE("Algo Status : Enabled");
StaticVarSet(static_name_algo, 1);
if(EnableAlgo == "Disable")
AlgoStatus = "Algo Disabled";
GfxSetTextColor( colorRed );
GfxTextOut( "Algostatus : "+AlgoStatus , 20, 40);
_TRACE("Algo Status : Disabled");
StaticVarSet(static_name_algo, 0);
// Function to Place Smart Order
function PlaceSmartOrder(action, quantity, position_size) {
postData = "{\"apikey\": \"" + apikey + "\", " +
"\"strategy\": \"" + strategy + "\", " +
"\"symbol\": \"" + symbol + "\", " +
"\"action\": \"" + action + "\", " +
"\"exchange\": \"" + exchange + "\", " +
"\"pricetype\": \"" + pricetype + "\", " +
"\"product\": \"" + product + "\", " +
"\"quantity\": \"" + quantity + "\", " +
"\"position_size\": \"" + position_size + "\"}";
headers = "Content-Type: application/json\r\n" +
"Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate\r\n";
_TRACE("Smart Order Request Sent: " + postData); // Log request
ih = InternetPostRequest(bridgeurl + "/placesmartorder", postData);
if (ih) {
response = "";
while ((line = InternetReadString(ih)) != "") {
response += line;
_TRACEF("Smart Order Response: %s", response);
if (VoiceAlert == "Enable") Say(action + " Smart Order Placed.");
} else {
_TRACE("Failed to place smart order.");
// Function to Exit Order
function ExitOrder(action) {
postData = "{\"apikey\": \"" + apikey + "\", " +
"\"strategy\": \"" + strategy + "\", " +
"\"symbol\": \"" + symbol + "\", " +
"\"action\": \"" + action + "\", " +
"\"exchange\": \"" + exchange + "\", " +
"\"pricetype\": \"" + pricetype + "\", " +
"\"product\": \"" + product + "\", " +
"\"quantity\": \"0\", " +
"\"position_size\": \"0\"}";
headers = "Content-Type: application/json\r\n" +
"Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate\r\n";
_TRACE("Exit Order Request Sent: " + postData); // Log request
ih = InternetPostRequest(bridgeurl + "/placesmartorder", postData);
if (ih) {
response = "";
while ((line = InternetReadString(ih)) != "") {
response += line;
_TRACEF("Exit Order Response: %s", response);
if (VoiceAlert == "Enable") Say(action + " Exit Order Placed.");
} else {
_TRACE("Failed to place exit order.");
// Function to Square Off All Positions
function SquareOffAll() {
postData = "{\"apikey\": \"" + apikey + "\", " +
"\"strategy\": \"" + strategy + "\"}";
headers = "Content-Type: application/json\r\n" +
"Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate\r\n";
_TRACE("Square Off Request Sent: " + postData); // Log request
ih = InternetPostRequest(bridgeurl + "/closeposition", postData);
if (ih) {
response = "";
while ((line = InternetReadString(ih)) != "") {
response += line;
_TRACEF("Square Off Response: %s", response);
if (VoiceAlert == "Enable") Say("All positions squared off.");
} else {
_TRACE("Failed to square off positions.");
// Function to Draw Buttons
function DrawButton(Text, x1, y1, x2, y2, colorFrom, colorTo) {
GfxSelectFont("Verdana", 9, 700);
GfxGradientRect(x1, y1, x2, y2, colorFrom, colorTo);
GfxDrawText(Text, x1, y1, x2, y2, 32 | 1 | 4 | 16);
// Execution Module
if (EnableAlgo != "Disable") {
lasttime = StrFormat("%0.f", LastValue(BarIndex()));
if (EnableAlgo == "Enable") {
if (AlgoBuy == True AND AlgoCover == True AND StaticVarGet(static_name_ + "buyCoverAlgo") == 0 AND StaticVarGetText(static_name_ + "buyCoverAlgo_barvalue") != lasttime) {
PlaceSmartOrder("BUY", quantity, quantity);
if (VoiceAlert == "Enable") Say("Buy Order Triggered");
_TRACE("API Request: " + sm_api_request);
_TRACE("API Response: " + sm_api_response);
StaticVarSetText(static_name_ + "buyCoverAlgo_barvalue", lasttime);
StaticVarSet(static_name_ + "buyCoverAlgo", 1);
} else if (AlgoBuy != True OR AlgoCover != True) {
StaticVarSet(static_name_ + "buyCoverAlgo", 0);
StaticVarSetText(static_name_ + "buyCoverAlgo_barvalue", "");
if (AlgoBuy == True AND AlgoCover != True AND StaticVarGet(static_name_ + "buyAlgo") == 0 AND StaticVarGetText(static_name_ + "buyAlgo_barvalue") != lasttime) {
PlaceSmartOrder("BUY", quantity, position_size);
if (VoiceAlert == "Enable") Say("Buy Order Triggered");
_TRACE("API Request: " + sm_api_request);
_TRACE("API Response: " + sm_api_response);
StaticVarSetText(static_name_ + "buyAlgo_barvalue", lasttime);
StaticVarSet(static_name_ + "buyAlgo", 1);
} else if (AlgoBuy != True) {
StaticVarSet(static_name_ + "buyAlgo", 0);
StaticVarSetText(static_name_ + "buyAlgo_barvalue", "");
if (AlgoSell == true AND AlgoShort != True AND StaticVarGet(static_name_ + "sellAlgo") == 0 AND StaticVarGetText(static_name_ + "sellAlgo_barvalue") != lasttime) {
if (VoiceAlert == "Enable") Say("Sell Exit Order Triggered");
_TRACE("API Request: " + ex_api_request);
_TRACE("API Response: " + ex_api_response);
StaticVarSetText(static_name_ + "sellAlgo_barvalue", lasttime);
StaticVarSet(static_name_ + "sellAlgo", 1);
} else if (AlgoSell != True) {
StaticVarSet(static_name_ + "sellAlgo", 0);
StaticVarSetText(static_name_ + "sellAlgo_barvalue", "");
if (AlgoShort == True AND AlgoSell == True AND StaticVarGet(static_name_ + "ShortSellAlgo") == 0 AND StaticVarGetText(static_name_ + "ShortSellAlgo_barvalue") != lasttime) {
PlaceSmartOrder("SELL", quantity, -1 * quantity);
if (VoiceAlert == "Enable") Say("Short Order Triggered");
_TRACE("API Request: " + sm_api_request);
_TRACE("API Response: " + sm_api_response);
StaticVarSetText(static_name_ + "ShortSellAlgo_barvalue", lasttime);
StaticVarSet(static_name_ + "ShortSellAlgo", 1);
} else if (AlgoShort != True OR AlgoSell != True) {
StaticVarSet(static_name_ + "ShortSellAlgo", 0);
StaticVarSetText(static_name_ + "ShortSellAlgo_barvalue", "");
if (AlgoShort == True AND AlgoSell != True AND StaticVarGet(static_name_ + "ShortAlgo") == 0 AND StaticVarGetText(static_name_ + "ShortAlgo_barvalue") != lasttime) {
PlaceSmartOrder("SELL", quantity, position_size);
if (VoiceAlert == "Enable") Say("Short Order Triggered");
_TRACE("API Request: " + sm_api_request);
_TRACE("API Response: " + sm_api_response);
StaticVarSetText(static_name_ + "ShortAlgo_barvalue", lasttime);
StaticVarSet(static_name_ + "ShortAlgo", 1);
} else if (AlgoShort != True) {
StaticVarSet(static_name_ + "ShortAlgo", 0);
StaticVarSetText(static_name_ + "ShortAlgo_barvalue", "");
if (AlgoCover == true AND AlgoBuy != True AND StaticVarGet(static_name_ + "CoverAlgo") == 0 AND StaticVarGetText(static_name_ + "CoverAlgo_barvalue") != lasttime) {
if (VoiceAlert == "Enable") Say("Short Exit Order Triggered");
_TRACE("API Request: " + ex_api_request);
_TRACE("API Response: " + ex_api_response);
StaticVarSetText(static_name_ + "CoverAlgo_barvalue", lasttime);
StaticVarSet(static_name_ + "CoverAlgo", 1);
} else if (AlgoCover != True) {
StaticVarSet(static_name_ + "CoverAlgo", 0);
StaticVarSetText(static_name_ + "CoverAlgo_barvalue", "");
if (EnableButton == "Enable") {
DrawButton("BE", X0, Y0, X0 + X1, Y0 + 50, colorGreen, colorGreen);
CursorInBEButton = MouseX >= X0 AND MouseX <= X0 + X1 AND MouseY >= Y0 AND MouseY <= Y0 + 50;
BEButtonClick = CursorInBEButton AND LBClick;
DrawButton("BX", X0 + 65, Y0, X0 + X1 + 65, Y0 + 50, colorRed, colorRed);
CursorInBXButton = MouseX >= X0 + 65 AND MouseX <= X0 + X1 + 65 AND MouseY >= Y0 AND MouseY <= Y0 + 50;
BXButtonClick = CursorInBXButton AND LBClick;
DrawButton("SE", X0, Y0 + 55, X0 + X1, Y0 + 105, colorRed, colorRed);
CursorInSEButton = MouseX >= X0 AND MouseX <= X0 + X1 AND MouseY >= Y0 + 55 AND MouseY <= Y0 + 105;
SEButtonClick = CursorInSEButton AND LBClick;
DrawButton("SX", X0 + 65, Y0 + 55, X0 + X1 + 65, Y0 + 105, colorGreen, colorGreen);
CursorInSXButton = MouseX >= X0 + 65 AND MouseX <= X0 + X1 + 65 AND MouseY >= Y0 + 55 AND MouseY <= Y0 + 105;
SXButtonClick = CursorInSXButton AND LBClick;
DrawButton("CLOSE ALL", X0, Y0 + 110, X0 + X1 + 65, Y0 + 155, colorRed, colorRed);
CursorInCXButton = MouseX >= X0 AND MouseX <= X0 + X1 + 65 AND MouseY >= Y0 + 110 AND MouseY <= Y0 + 155;
CXButtonClick = CursorInCXButton AND LBClick;
if (BEButtonClick AND StaticVarGet(static_name_ + "BEAlgo") == 0) {
PlaceSmartOrder("BUY", quantity, position_size);
if (VoiceAlert == "Enable") {
Say("Buy Order Triggered");
_TRACE("API Request: " + postData);
StaticVarSet(static_name_ + "BEAlgo", 1);
} else {
StaticVarSet(static_name_ + "BEAlgo", 0);
if (BXButtonClick AND StaticVarGet(static_name_ + "BXAlgo") == 0) {
PlaceSmartOrder("SELL", quantity, position_size);
if (VoiceAlert == "Enable") {
Say("Sell Order Triggered");
_TRACE("API Request: " + postData);
StaticVarSet(static_name_ + "BXAlgo", 1);
} else {
StaticVarSet(static_name_ + "BXAlgo", 0);
if (SEButtonClick AND StaticVarGet(static_name_ + "SEAlgo") == 0) {
PlaceSmartOrder("SELL", quantity, position_size);
if (VoiceAlert == "Enable") {
Say("Short Order Triggered");
_TRACE("API Request: " + postData);
StaticVarSet(static_name_ + "SEAlgo", 1);
} else {
StaticVarSet(static_name_ + "SEAlgo", 0);
if (SXButtonClick AND StaticVarGet(static_name_ + "SXAlgo") == 0) {
PlaceSmartOrder("BUY", quantity, position_size);
if (VoiceAlert == "Enable") {
Say("Cover Order Triggered");
_TRACE("API Request: " + postData);
StaticVarSet(static_name_ + "SXAlgo", 1);
} else {
StaticVarSet(static_name_ + "SXAlgo", 0);
if (CXButtonClick AND StaticVarGet(Name() + GetChartID() + "CXAlgo") == 0) {
if (VoiceAlert == "Enable") {
Say("Square Off All Triggered");
_TRACE("API Request: " + postData);
StaticVarSet(Name() + GetChartID() + "CXAlgo", 1);
} else {
StaticVarSet(Name() + GetChartID() + "CXAlgo", 0);