Optimizations Using Hulls Moving Average giving zero readings

The optimization of strategy of HMA(Hulls Moving Average) and SMA Crossover is giving zero profit results in all combinations, even though the buy/sell triggers are generated at crossovers correctly and arrow marks are seen on the charts reasonably well placed. Similar optimization results are coming when I replace any average with HMA in other working strategies. Please advise if I am missing something.

@rvdesh I experimented a bit with SP500 stocks using HMA/MA crossovers (optimizing from 10 to 200 periods) and got the usual results (a mix of profitable and unprofitable combinations), so I do not see any issue using the Hull Moving Average (even if it does not seem to be the best to use for crossover strategies).

So the problem may be elsewhere. I suggest you post a code snippet to get more feedback.


Yes, as you said problem was somewhere else.....in trade settings. Thank you for your feedback and the link giving an additional suggestion.