Parameter Tooltips

The Amibroker Feedback section includes a 2008 ( and a 2012 request for Parameter Tooltips (

I am wondering if there is currently any capability in AFL for defining param tooltips in AFL that appear when the mouse hovers over a parameter’s description.

certainly possible, I also did some code on this but I got the idea from Herman ===>>>

empottasch, Thank you for your response. I could not figure out, from the documentation, how to add a tooltip to an individual Parameter’s description. Any other thoughts?

ok well, guess I didn’t read your question in detail. You can create your own toolstips but in specific creating parameter window tooltips I am not sure.

There are no per-parameter tooltips. And they are unlikely to appear. In windows list / property controls like that don’t provide per-item tooltips.

My goal was to provide additional information for each parameter. Since per-parameter tooltips are not a viable option, I found something better!. Essentially, I write my additional information to the Interpretation window. Very convenient! Here is a code snippet for anyone interested.

function Commentary(InfoText)
if( Status("action") == actionCommentary ) 
showMACDParamHelp= ParamToggle("Show MACD Parameter Help ","No|Yes",defaultval = 0);

if (showMACDParamHelp AND Status("action") == actionCommentary) 
	Commentary("<b>MACD - Moving Average Convergence Divergence</b>\n"
	           +"Parameter Help\n\n");
	Commentary("<b>Show MACD Lines:</b>\t" + "Plot the MACD Line and Signal Line\n");

If you are using printf() you don’t need to call EnableTextOutput(True)

printf("test %g", Close ); // this prints to interpretion anyway
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