Parental controls in Windows, was: Login with username and password

Hi all

Hope everyone is doing well (and profitable) under the present circumstances.

Silly question: my son has decided to use my laptop to do his homework/school via zoom and I cant seem to put a login for Amibroker incase he decides to explore to other apps.

Have i missed something obvious ?


It is unclear from your post whenever you want allow or disallow him to use your login.

A login username/password would allow me to login to Amibroker. Without the username/password it would not allow Amibroker to run.

Apologises for the lack of clarity.

Ideally, you should not let him log into your Windows A/c which most likely will have Administrator privileges.
You can create another local account as Standard User. This can harden your machine to a certain extent.

The next part depends on your technical comforts.
Instead of locking apps with password individually there are a couple of ways.

  1. Easiest would be 3rd party apps that can restrict them from running like Parental Control feature.
    That way you can limit many apps.

  2. Group policy allows you to control apps. This may not be available on home editions.

  3. Registry: but looking at your question, we shouldn't be discussing this one or #2.

And it also depends on how tech-savy your son is to get around things.


Hi nsm51

Thanks for your help. I implemented and tested a new group policy on my laptop - happy days :slight_smile:
Thanks for your assistance.

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