Plot on the chart value from CBT portfolio

Hi, I tried to plot a value from portfolio custom backtest to the chart. Could not do it (.

if (Status("action") == actionPortfolio)
bo = GetBacktesterObject();

for (bar = 0; bar < BarCount; ++bar)           
	for	(Openpos = bo.getfirstopenpos(); Openpos; Openpos = bo.getnextopenpos())   
			ATRLvl = StaticVarGet(openPos.Symbol + "TargetATR");       
			AverageEntryPrice = openPos.EntryPrice;  
			ProfitP = AverageEntryPrice + (ATRLvl[bar]);

Can I plot ProfitP somehow on the chart? This strategy is for portfolio, not individual symbol.

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