PlotShapes Not Showing Up in Backtest (No2)

This may be a very simple question, but I can't seem to figure it out. I am trying to show my trade arrows on a chart after running a backtest, but they do not show up automatically based on my code. If I double click the ticker in the backtest result list, the standard red and green arrows show up. I would like them to show up based on my code.

I do have "Show Trading Arrows" as Yes in the chart parameters.

Is it because of how I have my charts set up - I am using a specific tab on my chart window. I have posted a screenshot of that, in case there is something I am doing wrong there.

Thanks for the help!

//Buy XIV if $VXV >= $VIX
//Buy VXX if $VXV < $VIX
//Set Watchlist to XIV Only

#include_once "Formulas\Norgate Data\Norgate Data"

// Portfolio Settings
SetOption( "InitialEquity", 75000 ); /* starting capital */
SetOption( "CommissionMode", 3 ); /* set commissions AND costs as $ per share */
SetOption( "CommissionAmount", 0.005 ); /* commissions AND cost */
SetOption("MaxOpenPositions", 1);
SetPositionSize(100, spsPercentOfEquity);

// Sets the other tickers to reference to test the conditions for trading
VXV = Foreign( "$VXV", "C" );
VIX = Foreign( "$VIX", "C" );
XIV = Foreign( "XIV", "C" );
VXX = Foreign( "VXX", "C" );

// Sets the Buy and Sell conditions
BuyXIV = VXV >= VIX;
SellXIV = VXV < VIX;
//BuyVXX = VXV < VIX;
//SellVXX = VXV > VIX;

// Establish the Buy and Sell rules
Buy = BuyXIV;
	Buy = ExRem( BuyXIV, SellXIV ); //This removes all the trade arrows when there is no trade
	BuyPrice = Open * 1.001; //This adds some slippage to factor in not getting exact open price in real world
Sell = SellXIV;
	Sell = ExRem( Sell, Buy);  //This removes all the trade arrows when there is no trade
	SellPrice = Open * 1.001;  //This adds some slippage to factor in not getting exact open price in real world
// Set the display paramaters on the chart
PlotShapes(Buy*shapeUpArrow, colorYellow, 0, BuyXIV);
PlotShapes(Sell*shapeDownArrow, colorWhite, 0, SellXIV);


You mixed things up.
Built-in trading arrows do not come from PlotShapes. They come just from Buy/Sell arrays as instructed in KB and you do NOT program them at all:

On the other hand, PlotShapes is only for plotting shapes on “regular” chart. PlotShapes do NOT rely on backtest, do not rely on Buy/Sell arrays and do not require double clicking or running backtest at all, they just plot what you instructed it to do, on current chart using current data and it is completely unrelated if you did or did not run backtest.