PlotText to print buy/sell price and date at the signals

  1. First of all you should not iterate through entire array but just iterate through visible chart area to output some text on chart.
  2. There is not any dist array variable required to set an y offset. PlotText function does have an y-offset argument (last argument of the function).
  3. Use DateTime() function and conversion to string to output date/time as text.
/// @link
/// signal text output: Signal type, price, date/time

fntsize = 8;// font size
dist = 65;// y-offset

bi = Barindex();
fvb = FirstVisiblevalue( bi );
lvb = LastVisiblevalue( bi );
dt = DateTime();
dtformat = "\n%Y-%m-%d\n%H:%M:%S";
bkcolor = -1;// text background color, -1 means default color (transparent)

PlotTextSetFont( "", "ARIAL", fntsize, BarCount-1, 0, -1 );

for ( i = fvb; i <= lvb; i++ ) {
    if( Buy[i] || Sell[i] )	{
		var = "\n@" + C[i] + DateTimeFormat(dtformat, dt[i]);
		if( Buy[i] )  PlotText( "Buy" + var, i, L[i], colorGreen, bkcolor, -dist+3*fntsize );
		if( Sell[i] ) PlotText( "Sell" + var, i, H[i], colorRed, bkcolor, dist );