Plotting not showing exploration


I have this section of code that adds values to an array I'd like to plot:

plotLoss = Null;
plotProfit = Null;
plotStopPrice = Null;
plotLimitPrice = Null;

for ( i = 0; i <= BarCount-1; i++)

	if ( buyFound[i] == 1 && MinutesSinceOpen[i] < 390 && MinutesSinceOpen[i] > 0)
		plotLoss[i] = BuyLoss[i];
		plotProfit[i] = BuyProfit[i];
		plotStopPrice[i] = BuyStopPrice[i];
		plotLimitPrice[i] = BuyLimitPrice[i];
	if ( shortFound[i] == 1 && MinutesSinceOpen[i] < 390 && MinutesSinceOpen[i] > 0)
		plotLoss[i] = ShortLoss[i];
		plotProfit[i] = ShortProfit[i];
		plotStopPrice[i] = ShortStopPrice[i];
		plotLimitPrice[i] = ShortLimitPrice[i];



AddColumn (MinutesSinceOpen, "MinutesSinceOpen");
AddColumn (plotLoss, "plotLoss");
AddColumn (plotProfit, "plotProfit");
AddColumn (plotStopPrice, "plotStopPrice");
AddColumn (plotLimitPrice, "plotLimitPrice");
AddColumn (buyFound, "buyFound");
AddColumn (shortFound, "shortFound");

Plot( plotLoss, "plotLoss", colorRed, styleLine );
Plot( plotProfit, "plotProfit", colorGreen, styleLine );
Plot( plotStopPrice, "plotStopPrice", colorOrange, styleDashed );
Plot( plotLimitPrice, "plotLimitPrice", colorBlack, styleDashed );

I can't seem to figure out why the values are blank when plotted becuase they show up correctly in the exploration. I'm not understanding how amibroker works completely I think.

In Screenshot ,
chart is showing 5/28/2024 but
explorer shows 6/28/2024, diferent date/time diferent results

Checked it the date is 6/28 in both

Thank you @Tomasz !! Amibroker is wonderful!!!!

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