I want to write Limit 1 day 1 trade and store the Buy/Short price to variable when buy condition and sell at 50pts profit or 30pts cut loss
But as you see the pic, seems fail to store the buy/short price.
Thanks for help!
_SECTION_BEGIN("Real Time Trade");
newDay = Day() != Ref(Day(),-1);
ma15 = ma(C,8);
Plot (ma15, "MA 15",colorlightorange, styleDots|styleThick,Null,Null,Null,11);
_Buy = Ref(C,-1) > Ref(ma15,-1) AND time >093500;
_Sell = C > buypr + 50 OR C< buypr - 30 OR time >153500;
_Short = Ref(C,-1) < Ref(ma15,-1) AND time >0935000;
_Cover = C < shortpr - 50 OR C > shortpr + 30 OR time>153000;
N = 1;
Buy = Sell = Short = Cover = Null;
LongFlag = ShortFlag = tradeCount = 0;
buypr = Null; // Initialize buypr variable to null
for (i = 0; i < BarCount; i++) {
if (newDay[i]) tradeCount = 0;
// Long Positions
if (_Buy[i] AND tradeCount < N AND LongFlag == 0) {
Buy[i] = 1;
LongFlag = 1;
buypr = Open[i]; // Store the executed price in buypr
tradeCount++; // To record that we are in Long position
if (_Sell[i] AND LongFlag == 1) {
Sell[i] = 1; // Selling-off the Long position
buypr = Null; // Clear the buypr variable
LongFlag = 0; // Resetting LongFlag back to False, to denote that we are no longer in "Long" position
// Short Positions
if (_Short[i] AND tradeCount < N AND ShortFlag == 0) {
Short[i] = 1;
ShortFlag = 1;
shortpr = Open[i]; // Store the executed price in shortpr
tradeCount++; // To record that we are in Short position
if (_Cover[i] AND ShortFlag == 1) {
Cover[i] = 1; // Covering the Short position
shortpr = Null; // Clear the shortpr variable
ShortFlag = 0; // Resetting ShortFlag back to False, to denote that we are no longer in "Short" position
PlotShapes(IIf(Buy, shapeuptriangle, shapeNone),colorTurquoise, 0, L, Offset=-65);
PlotShapes(IIf(Cover, shapehollowuptriangle, shapeNone),colorTurquoise, 0, L, Offset=-80);
PlotShapes(IIf(Short, shapedowntriangle, shapeNone),colorCustom12, 0, H, Offset=-75);
PlotShapes(IIf(sell, shapehollowdowntriangle, shapeNone),colorCustom12, 0, H, Offset=-60);
Plot( C, "Close", ParamColor("Color", colorBlack ), styleNoTitle | ParamStyle("Style") | GetPriceStyle() );