I tried using QuickGfx Render with some code that uses PLTOHLC( ... ClipMin,ClipMax)
The areas that were colored above 70 changed when I activated QuickGFX Render and color that was avoce 70 was extenden to above 50
Code and images below
// File: Mkt - NYSE - RSI
Mkt_RSI14 = RSI(14);
Mkt_RSI14_smooth = EMA(Mkt_RSI14,3) ;
//SetChartOptions(0,0,ChartGrid30 | ChartGrid70 );
PlotOHLC(Mkt_RSI14,Mkt_RSI14,50,Mkt_RSI14,"Mkt RSI14",IIf(Mkt_RSI14 > 70,colorRed,IIf(Mkt_RSI14 <= 30, colorGreen,null)),stylecloud|stylenolabel|styleClipMinMax, 30, 70);
PlotOHLC(Mkt_RSI14,Mkt_RSI14,50,Mkt_RSI14,"Mkt RSI14",IIf(Mkt_RSI14 <= 30, colorGreen,IIf(Mkt_RSI14 > 70,colorRed,null)),stylecloud|stylenolabel|styleClipMinMax, 30, 70);
Plot(Mkt_RSI14,"Mkt RSI4",coloryellow,styleThick|stylenolabel );
Plot(Mkt_RSI14_smooth,"Mkt RSI4_smooth",colorblack,styleThick|stylenolabel );
Plot( 70,"Mkt RSI",colorblack,stylethick|stylenolabel);
Plot( 30,"Mkt RSI",colorblack,stylethick|stylenolabel);
Plot( 50,"50",colorblack,stylethick|stylenolabel|stylenolabel);
GraphXSpace = 10;
_N(Title = EncodeColor(colorYellow) + " RSI14 " + WriteVal(Mkt_RSI14,1.2)
+ EncodeColor(colorBlack) + " Smooth " + WriteVal(Mkt_RSI14_smooth,1.2));