Realtime composites

The approach is wrong. Why do you need 2000 composites updated in real time is beyond me. And you never explained that.

Let me give you example, someone would ask: "I am using 2000000 SetPixel calls and it is slow, how can I make it fast" (the "HOW" question - wrong) instead "I need to fill entire screen with one color" (describe the GOAL) And the answer is "don't use 2000000 SetPixel cals, use one call to FillRectangle"

You have failed to answer crucial question WHY? What is the GOAL? Please follow this advice: How to ask a good question

You are focused on technical details "how" but that is pointless unless you specify THE GOAL. And the goal is NOT creating 2000 composites per se.

See also my reply: Updating composites in real time - #4 The ideas shown in this thread are pointless as "writing" it is NOT what takes time.

Last thing - DO NOT create multiple threads on same subject.

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