Report - Param values, Optimization w/ 10 backtests - howto access reports?

Hi there, may be a beginner questions nonetheless ... that's how we learn ...

  1. Running a simple backtest on a formula with multiple Parameter values ... where would the Report have those Parameter Values?
    This is relevant in the context of a Report Explorer with thousands of reports ... each with different parameter values ... 10 days later, how would we be able to distinguish between parameters used for those reports?

  2. Say, we run a simple optimization on a pair of Params that would result in 10 backtests (ParamA = {1,2}, ParamB = {1,2,3,4,5}) ... this would result in a set of 10 results in the "Result list" pane of the Analysis window. How would one access the full report of each of those 10 iterations?


Normally optimizations don't produce full backtest reports for each step because full report generation is costly (costs execution time and disk space), so only short single line result per backtest is produced (displayed in optimization result list). This single line result contains all crucial statistics (CAR, MDD and dozens of others). Normally there is no point in generating full reports as you are interested in the best one that fits your optimization target only.

You can enable full report generation during optimization via SetOption() function call. AFL Function Reference - SETOPTION