Your post is a mess. Some of the code is in 'Code Blocks' while some are not.
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Your post is a mess. Some of the code is in 'Code Blocks' while some are not.
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Programming skills are adequate, but not professionally trained. Amibroker user of over 15 years, even attended the Las Vegas Convention and met Tomasz. If there is generally accepted principles relative to program formats, then I am unaware of them.
Honestly, creating some "for" loops, commenting my code and some GFX is pretty good for my level of programming skills.
As I commented previously, the code I uploaded worked. Now it does not and I am seeking a means or process to remediate previously function code.
Did you purchase AmiBroker?
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Don't know when I need to update, but running 6.49.1. Assuming license is current, I have renewed in the past.
Functionality of AFL has returned, life is good
You have a lot of code there, and as @TrendSurfer pointed out it's not all within code blocks and it's also poorly formatted. As @Tomasz has explained many times, one of the best ways to get help is to make it as easy as possible for others to help you. An excellent first step would be to create the simplest version of the code that still exhibits the problem. You can also use the "Prettify" feature in the AFL Editor to get some consistent indentation. After you've done that, post the updated code here inside code tags.
The next step would be to see if you can find a way to make the issue occur more often than "after a couple of days", because it's a good bet that no one else will want to wait that long to see if they can even reproduce the issue, much less offer suggestions for improvement.
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