Start time of session at 5 pm EST

I have my charts in EST as its the exchange time for me. I am charting the 24 hour markets. I would like to pull the daily EMA at 5 PM EST.
I am hoping that by using the day/night session time will help me do the same. is this a good idea

AmiBroker Knowledge Base » How does the intraday-to-daily compression work?
Have you referred to this article in KB?

Are you trying to plot daily EMA on an intra timeframe or on the daily chart?

So, if you are in Daily timeframe, and you use Day/Night session, then the Close of that day will be the close of 16:59 (5PM) and you can use it directly with the settings you have shown.

for US markets I use the following, see below. US markets open Sunday at 18:00 ET and close Friday at 17:00 ET

thanks for the link. sometimes, i forget that the documentation is very good