In first file I have this code which works properly.
for (i = 0…)
pivot[i] = …; // calculate values of pivot[]
Plot(pivot[i],"",colorTurquoise,styleDashed,zorder=-5); // plot pivot[] data to make sure it is right
StaticVarSet(“pivotCount”,i); // number of elements in pivot[]
StaticVarSet(“pivots”,pivot); // store pivot[]
All the data is plotted properly. If I take the code below and put it in the above file everything works. StaticVarGet() gets the data and plots it properly. But I put the below code in a different AFL file and run then pivot[] is empty.
pivotCount = StaticVarGet(“pivotCount”);
pivot = StaticVarGet(“pivots”);
In the second AFL file the pivotCount is correct but pivot[] is empty. What am I doing wrong? Is it possible to send array variables via StaticVar? Thanks.