Stylethick but less

I'm getting used to the style of bars that I like more and more because I see the open and the close better, apart from the fact that I see more bars in the same space.
However, I would like to customize the thickness of the bars. There is only the normal and the stylethick.

Is there something in between? That is, something similar to the stylethick but less thick?
Thank you very much

The width of the bar chart is dynamic and depends on zoom level. It is user-definable in Tools->Preferences, "Bars & Candles"

As far as Plot() function call is considered, there is a "width" parameter in the Plot() function that controls the width of plot in pixels.

width - defines pixel or percent width of given plot. The default is 1 pixel. Positive values specify PIXEL width, negative values specify width in percent of current bar width. So for example -20 will give you dynamic width that is 20% of bar width. Example: Plot( C, "Close", colorBlack, styleBar, Null, Null, 0, 1, -20 /* line width as percent of bar */ );

Thank you very much Dr. Tomasz,
I have tried the two options you suggest but I can't get what I want.
I see that I can set the bars to a width of 1, 2 (which would be like the stylethick and from there I can increase their thickness as much as I want).
However, I wanted a thickness that would be between 1 and 2 and I don't think I can achieve that.
I set the zoom to "normal" and it is in that zoom that I would like to see the bars with that thickness of 1.5 that would be between normal (1) and thick (2).
In Tools/Preferences/Bars and Candles, I have only been able to change the width of the Open/Close but it also seems to go from level 1 to 2 (although it can be set from 1 to 100 or more).
However, as it is a minor thing (simply a vision preference of mine) it is not so important and with the current settings, it is fine.
Thank you very much

There are two ways of expressing the width of the plot line. Either pixels, or percent of bar width. When you specify width in pixels then you can have only integer values, so 1 pixel or 2 pixels. You can't have 1.5 pixels.

May I ask what screen resolution are you using now? Is it set to native resolution of the monitor?

Hello Dr. Tomasz,
Thank you for your interest.
My resolution is 3840*1200 and it is native to the monitor, one of those big and elongated ones.
In the end, by adjusting the Default zoom (number of bars) in a chart and adjusting the color of the bars, I have achieved a visual form of the bar that I quite like.
Thank you very much.

With such (rather high) resolution a single pixel should be so small that 2 pixel wide line should be just right looking.