Synchronize charts for scroll and zoom (functional) - OLE

Below afl is tested and working for zoom and Synchronize charts
Here is the code that can be used to Synchronize charts and zoom.
just remeber that you have to insert the afl to ONLY one chart

@trongart Note that, also what you are asking to do can be accomplished with gfx
Study this code and I think will be fine. If you write the gfx version come here to share with us.

Here is the code that Synchronize charts and zoom.
just remeber that you have to insert the afl to ONLY one chart 
Put this AFL in the Include Folder.
Add below 2 lines into your AFL
  UseZoomer = ParamToggle("Use Zoomer?", "No|Yes", 0);
  #include_once <>
  Sourcecode downloaded from:

function ZqZoomSync( force )
    // All variables are made local to guarantee naming collisions or side effects
    local LastBarIndex, FirstBarIndex, prevLastBarIndex, prevFirstBarIndex, prevFirstDateTime, DT, BI, LastDateTime, FirstDateTime, LastDateTimestr, FirstDateTimestr;
    local OAB, OAD, dcount, i, OADoc, OAW, OADocWin, res;
    // Get a count of the number of documents
    OAB = CreateObject( "Broker.Application" );
    OAD = OAB.Documents;
    dcount = OAD.Count;
    // Process multiple windows (documents)
    res = False;
    if ( dcount > 1 )
        // Get current and last start and end DateTimes's
        LastBarIndex = Status( "LastVisibleBarIndex" );
        FirstBarIndex = Status( "FirstVisibleBarIndex" );
        //Nblankbar = Status( "LastVisibleBarIndex" ) - BarCount; // [zq] not used !!
        // [zq] BarIndex may always be the same due to QuickAFL, check prevFirstDateTime in addition
        prevLastBarIndex = Nz( StaticVarGet( "_prevLastVisibleBarIndex" ) );
        prevFirstBarIndex = Nz( StaticVarGet( "_prevFirstVisibleBarIndex" ) );
        prevFirstDateTime = Nz( StaticVarGet( "_prevFirstDateTime" ) );
        // [zq] move outside if() statement for checking prevFirstDateTime
        DT = DateTime();
        BI = BarIndex();
        LastDateTime = LastValue( ValueWhen( LastBarIndex == BI, DT ) ); // [zq] LastDateTime could be empty
        FirstDateTime = LastValue( ValueWhen( FirstBarIndex == BI, DT ) );
        // Check for a new date/time range
//        _TRACE(""+FirstBarIndex+", "+LastBarIndex);
        if ( LastBarIndex != prevLastBarIndex OR FirstBarIndex != prevFirstBarIndex OR FirstDateTime != prevFirstDateTime OR force )
            // Set the new last values
            StaticVarSet( "_prevLastVisibleBarIndex", LastBarIndex );
            StaticVarSet( "_prevFirstVisibleBarIndex", FirstBarIndex );
            StaticVarSet( "_prevFirstDateTime", FirstDateTime );
            LastDateTimestr = DateTimeToStr( LastDateTime );
            FirstDateTimestr = DateTimeToStr( FirstDateTime );
//            _TRACE(""+FirstDateTimestr+", "+LastDateTimestr);
            // Loop through the document collection
            for ( i = 0; i < dcount; i++ )
                // If it is not the active document -
                OADoc = OAD.Item( i );
                // NOTE - it doesn't hurt to sync the current window and it makes all
                // windows have no blank bars on the right so they look the same
                // [zq] I think it's reasonable for not syncing ActiveDocument.
                // [zq] Something not belong to the ActiveDocument was shown when not syncing ActiveDocument with multi-threaded charts options disabled.
                if ( OADoc != OAB.ActiveDocument )
                    // Get the document window and zoom to range
                    //_TRACE( " Zoom to range document - " + i + " , " + Curststr + " - " + Curendstr );
                    OADW = OADoc.Windows;
                    // Document window count assumed to be 1
                    OADocWin = OADW.Item( 0 );
                    OADocWin.ZoomToRange( FirstDateTimestr, LastDateTimestr ); // [zq] this function failed to update chart at the right most margin with empty LastDateTimestr. Just minor issue, don't care.
            res = True;
    return res;

//  Call for synchronization
UseZoomer = ParamToggle( "Use Zoomer?", "No|Yes", 0 );

if ( UseZoomer )
    ZqZoomSync( False );