As above - I have a simple exploration to find the top 7% of stocks in terms of price increase vs the $SPX. However I have been struggling for weeks to try and figure out how to only show the top 7% of stocks.
I've had a look through the forums but can't figure out how to make it work. Any input would be greatly appreciated.
//Calculate % gain in price since a specific date vs SPX
//Get current stock performance
startprice = Ref(C,-60);
endprice = Ref(C,0);
ratiostock = ((endprice-startprice)/startprice)*100;
//Get SPY performance
spy3m = Ref(C,-60);
spycu = Ref(C,0);
ratiospy = ((spycu-spy3m)/spy3m)*100;
//Compare the two
score = ratiostock/ratiospy*100;
// Calculate the percentile rank of each stock
PercentRankValue = PercentRank(score,1);
// Select only stocks in the top 7%
Selected = PercentRankValue >= 93; // Top 7% corresponds to PercentRank >= 93
// Apply the filter
Filter = Selected;
AddColumn(C, "Current Price", 1.2);
AddColumn(startprice, "Stock % Gain", 1.2 );
AddColumn(ratiospy, "S&P 500 % Gain Reference", 1.2 );
AddColumn(score, "Stock %gain vs S&P500", 1.2 );
AddColumn(PercentRankValue, "PercentRank", 1.2);
AddTextColumn( SectorID(Mode=1), "Sector Name", 1.2,colorDefault, colorDefault,90);
AddTextColumn( IndustryID(Mode=1), "Industry Name", 1.2,colorDefault, colorDefault,90);
SetSortColumns( -6 );
//AddColumn(startprice, "startprice", 1.2);
//AddColumn(endprice, "endprice", 1.2);
//AddColumn(ratiostock, "ratiostock", 1.2);
//AddColumn(spy3m, "spy3m", 1.2);
//AddColumn(spycu, "spycu", 1.2);
//AddColumn(ratiospy, "ratiospy", 1.2);