Unable to add Symbols to Real Time Quote Window

When I right click on the symbol names in the symbol list I find the “Add to Realtime Quote WIndow” in an unclickable font.
Wondering what am I missing in my Amibroker setup, despite these symbols having live price feeds that this is not clickable. All help will be much appreciated by anyone who can help.

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The apparent reason why in your case it is greyed out is the fact that most probably you are using (local database) setting in File-Database settings-Data source. Local database setting is offline database setting. It simply makes no sense adding a symbol to real-time quote window within an offline DB. Local DBs are used for file import via Import Wizard, Metastock importer, script, AmiQuote or some own file download/import application.

In order to have an active “Add to Realtime Quote WIndow” option you need to set to some appropriate realtime data source such as IQFeed, esignal,… or some (proper) custom RT data plugin (created via AmiBroker ADK) being your source.

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Hello Ninja,

If you:

  1. Have opened a Realtime quote window
  2. Are connected to the real-time data source

In most cases you should be able to add a Symbol to Realtime quote window. If not, you can check if your Symbol uses only LOCAL database or not. If it uses only LOCAL database, it can not be added to real time quote window. To turn real-time updates go to Symbol->Information and uncheck "Use only local database for this symbol" box.

A quote from: [https://www.amibroker.com/guide/w_information.html](https://www.amibroker.com/guide/w_information.html) This field is checked by default if the symbol is added into realtime database as a result of import from ASCII file (also AmiQuote download). This setting allows you to keep additional symbols in the database and prevent plugin from overwriting the imported data.

You should check if your database has been properly configured.

Here you can find some additional information:

Hope this helps

… but in general, if you are really connected to the real-time data source and still can not add Symbols to the Realtime quote window, you should rather check if your whole database has been properly configured.