I have tried to implement sigScale In in my codes according to Example 1 from the following entry: Portfolio-level back testing .However, I am unable to make it work. Take the following simple code as an example:
BuyCondition1 = RSI(2) < 20;
BuyCondition2 = RSI(2) < 10;
SellCondition = RSI(2) > 65;
Buy = IIf(BuyCondition1, 1, IIf(BuyCondition2, sigScaleIn, 0));
Sell = SellCondition;
SetPositionSize(1, 4);
The system works fine for BuyCondition1, but I get no scaling for BuyCondition2.
I should appreciate it if you would let me know what I am doing wrong.
Best regards.
Buy Condition 1 will always be true whenever Buy Condition 2 is true. Therefore, your nested IIf will always set the Buy array to 1, not sigScaleIn. Try switching the order of the nesting to check for the most restrictive condition first.
Thank you for your prompt answer.
You are right, the problem was that BuyCondition2 is more restrictive than BuyCondition1. After switching the order, the code works as intended.
I set an additional ExRem condition to allow the code scaling just once (otherwise, it was scaling for every bar when Buycondition2 was true).
Best regards.
BuyCondition1 = RSI(2) < 20;
BuyCondition2 = RSI(2) < 10;
SellCondition = RSI(2) > 65;
DoScaleIn = ExRem(BuyCondition2, SellCondition);
Buy = IIf(BuyCondition2 AND DoScaleIn, sigScaleIn, IIf(BuyCondition1, 1, 0));
Sell = SellCondition;
SetPositionSize(1, 4);