I have two explorers "EX1" f & "EX2" which I run for 3 mins and 15 mins respectively.
Now I am running them- a common watchlist "WLIST" is the input scrips. Then I find what are the common from these two result sets.
I am looking for automatic input to explorer "EX2" the result set coming from explorer "EX1".
If I get simple steps to achieve this, that will be really helpful.
I have seen a code for adding resultset to a watchlist.
The code written given below:
Filter=Buy OR Sell;
listnum = 1; // we use watchlist 1 for storing results
// erase the watchlist when we process very first symbol
// sample exploration code
AddColumn( Close, "Close" );
if ( LastValue( Cum( Filter ) ) )
CategoryAddSymbol( "", categoryWatchlist, listnum );
It is not adding any symbols to watchlist.
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This code snippet relies on the fact that either a Buy or Sell signal occurs.
You will have to add that part of the code.
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I used
Filter= Buy or Sell;
And then
checking LastValue( Cum( Filter ) ) to add to the Watchlist.
Could you point out what corrections need to be made.
I want to let you know I have given CategoryAddSymbol( "", categoryWatchlist,1), 1 being the 1st Watchlist from top where I want to add the resultset.
Even I tried this, still not adding is happening to watchlist.
Filter=Buy OR Sell;
listnum = 1; // we use watchlist 1 for storing results
// erase the watchlist when we process very first symbol
// sample exploration code
AddColumn( Close, "Close" );
CategoryAddSymbol( "DLF", categoryWatchlist, listnum );
//if ( LastValue( Cum( Filter ) ) )
if(lastvalue(Buy OR sell))
CategoryAddSymbol( "", categoryWatchlist, listnum );
Now, only one row from the Resultset is getting added to the watchlist. Neither it is the 1st result or the last result, don't know how it got picked up.
I want all the rows from the Resultset to be added to the watchlist.
The code is here -
Filter=Buy OR Sell;
listname = "List 5";
category = categoryWatchlist;
listnum = CategoryFind( listname, category );
if ( LastValue( Cum( Filter ) ) )
CategoryAddSymbol( "", categoryWatchlist, listnum );
After restarting the Amibroker, I observed a peculiar behavior.
AlertIf(cond, "SOUND C:\\Windows\\Media\\Alarm10.wav", "Audio alert", 1);
listname = "List 5";
category = categoryWatchlist;
listnum = CategoryFind( listname, category );
if (LastValue(cum(filter))) { CategoryAddSymbol("", categoryWatchlist, listnum );}
The above code adds all the INPUT symbols to the output WATCHLIST whereas I want only the Explorer results to be added.
AlertIf(cond, "SOUND C:\\Windows\\Media\\Alarm10.wav", "Audio alert", 1);
listname = "List 5";
category = categoryWatchlist;
listnum = CategoryFind( listname, category );
//if (LastValue(cum(filter))) { CategoryAddSymbol("", categoryWatchlist, listnum );}
if (LastValue(cond)) { CategoryAddSymbol("", categoryWatchlist, listnum );}
Whereas the above code only adds the last result to the OUTPUT watchlist.
My challenge is to get the explorer results in the new Watchlist.