Watchlists Automation - Alias issues

Dear Group,

I read through a number of posts on subject matter. A few links to be listed:
Watchlists Basics
Auto Import Watchlists
Update Watchlists from text files

The first column of ASCII import is the ticker in my case. I happened to extract only the first column to another text file and created a .tls file out of it. As part of the batch process, I am deleting the .tls file from the 'Data Folder\Watchlists' folder and then replacing it from the new .tls file that has been created. I have taken due care to see that the database open in batch process is different from the one where the tls files are being rplaced.

Since the first column includes direct tickers instead of aliases (e.g. The Indian Exchange has an Index by ticker "Nifty 50" that runs through alias "NIFTY"), it doesn't show up in the watchlist in Amibroker software, even though it is part of the updated .tls file. Refer the screenshot

The whole process is a bypass for running an exploration through all tickers to create a watchlists "TradedToday". The Watchlist in turn is used to run multiple

Any roundbaout on this?

Did you scroll down through the whole watchlist and see if its somewhere lower?
Also FYI, you can right-click on WL and sort alphabetically.

If a watchlist contain a valid Symbol with quotes, that Symbol will show-up.

Technically, it has nothing to do with its alias.

A symbol does not need quotation data to show up in Symbols window and watchlist!

Import the TLS file manually by right clicking your watchlist in symbols window and choosing import. If it is imported (sort watchlist after import) then your mistakes are in the batch process. E.g. check import Format file.

What a nice surprise to see you @fxshrat!

BTW was speaking rhetorically... Moreover, what good a symbol is without quotes!

Yeah but it is about visibility here and clear facts.

Thanks @Cougar & @fxshrat for your responses. I have attached above the screenshot of info of the symbols where aliases have been used and not seen in the Watchlists.

While the same may work once imported, the whole process was run through to get readymade tls file. I carried forward the theme wherein it's stated that watchlists are nothing but text files. I am attaching a screenshot of batch file below (Have taken care to see that earlier files are delted from the watchlists folder in database

The files have been created from a visual foxpro program and seen in the tls file when opened in notepad ( as per the scrennshot in earlier mail). There are no major locical steps or calculations involved in the program as well:

***** Code for NSE Ticker List *****
Sele 1
Use data\nseeqticker
Appe From data\nseeq

Not putting it in code paranthesis as this is not afl.

Any other inputs?


Do you have an existing NIFTY 50 symbol in that DB?

Did you try manually adding that symbol to the TradedToday watchlist?

@Cougar the symbol in NIFTY getting imported through alias "NIFTY 50". So technically it's there.

As been told here

I you place/copy TLS file to Watchlist while AmiBroker is running it will not recognize it.
You have to restart AmiBroker.

If the symbol is still not there in WL after restart then it does not exist as ticker in your DB yet.

Aliases cannot be used in .TLS files inside Watchlists folder. Aliases are stored in master file and are meant to be used during ASCII import only.

Thanks to all the contributors.
As suggested by @Tomasz , I have made changes in back end code of my converter application so the same is incorporated as a ticker in database not the alias,

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