Weekly backtest start day

Sure, you can do that too, using DayOfWeek() and SparseCompress/SparseExpand. However, like Milosz pointed out, it would be otherwise viable to:

So, if the custom Week starts on a Thursday that ends on a Wednesday, then you could compress/expand like this:

//This is a Demo Code only (not for Trading)
//Inspired by Jorgen Wallgren (@bjw) "2 Timeframes Candlestick Chart" (http://www.amibroker.com/members/library/detail.php?id=1259)
//Link: https://forum.amibroker.com/t/weekly-backtest-start-day/9376/5?u=cougar
global fvb, lvb, PxChartWidth, PxChartHeight, PxChartLeft, PxChartBottom, MinY, MaxY, logMinY, logMaxY, logMinMax;
fvb 		  = Status( "FirstVisibleBar" );		lvb 		  = Status( "LastVisibleBar" );
PxChartWidth  = Status( "PxChartWidth" );			PxChartHeight = Status( "PxChartHeight" ); 
PxChartLeft   = Status( "PxChartLeft" );			PxChartBottom = Status( "PxChartBottom" );
MinY 		  = Status( "AxisMinY" );				MaxY		  = Status( "AxisMaxY" );
logMinY 	  = log( MinY );						logMaxY		  = log( MaxY );						logMinMax = logMaxY - logMinY;
function BarToPxX( Bar ) { //Modified by fxshrat (based on https://www.amibroker.com/kb/2009/03/30/how-to-convert-from-bar-value-to-pixel-co-ordinates/)
	 local BarDiff, NumBars, RelBar, px;
     NumBars = lvb - fvb + 1;
     BarDiff = Bar - fvb;
	 RelBar  = BarDiff / NumBars;
	 pxX 	 = RelBar * PxChartWidth + PxChartLeft;
     return Nz( pxX );
function ValToPxY( Value, LogScale ) { //Modified by fxshrat (based on https://www.amibroker.com/kb/2009/03/30/how-to-convert-from-bar-value-to-pixel-co-ordinates/)
	 if( LogScale ) pxY = pxChartBottom - floor( 0.5 + ( log( Value ) - logMinY ) * PxChartHeight / logMinMax );
     else pxY = pxChartBottom - floor( 0.5 + ( Value - MinY ) * PxChartHeight / ( MaxY - MinY + 1e-9 ) );
     return Nz( pxY );

_SECTION_BEGIN( "Custom Week OHLC" );
	 SetChartOptions( 0, chartShowDates );
	 SetChartBkColor( colorBlack );
	 if( Interval() <= inDaily ) {
		 bi = BarIndex();		 
		 FrstDayOfWk = DayOfWeek() == 4; //A Thursday
		 LastDayOfWk = DayOfWeek() == 3; //A Wednesday
		 FrstDayOfWkBi = //First Bar of a Thursday
		 bi == SparseExpand( FrstDayOfWk, SparseCompress( FrstDayOfWk, bi ) ) && //BarIndex when its a Thursday
		 bi == TimeFrameExpand( TimeFrameCompress( bi, inDaily, compressOpen ), inDaily, expandFirst ); //First BarIndex of that day

		 LastDayOfWkBi = //Last Bar of a Wednesday
		 bi == SparseExpand( LastDayOfWk, SparseCompress( LastDayOfWk, bi ) ) && //BarIndex when its a Wednesday
		 bi == TimeFrameExpand( TimeFrameCompress( bi, inDaily, compressLast ), inDaily, expandFirst ); //Last BarIndex of that day

		 for( i = 1; i <= BarCount - 1; i++ ) {
			 // When Thursday is a Holiday
			 if( LastDayOfWkBi[ i ] && !FrstDayOfWkBi[ i + 1 ] ) FrstDayOfWkBi[ i + 1 ] = 1;
			 // When Wednesday is a Holiday
			 if( FrstDayOfWkBi[ i ] && !LastDayOfWkBi[ i - 1 ] ) LastDayOfWkBi[ i - 1 ] = 1;

		 WkO = ValueWhen( FrstDayOfWkBi, O );
		 WkH = Null;
		 WkL = Null;
		 WkC = ValueWhen( LastDayOfWkBi, C );
		 for( i = 1; i <= BarCount - 1; i++ ) {
			 WkH[ i ] = WkH[ i - 1 ];
			 WkL[ i ] = WkL[ i - 1 ];
			 if( FrstDayOfWkBi[ i ] ) {
				 _WkH = H[ i ];
				 _WkL = L[ i ];
				 j = i + 1;
				 while( j <= BarCount - 1 && !LastDayOfWkBi[ j ] ) {
					 if( H[ j ] > _WkH ) _WkH = H[ j ];
					 if( L[ j ] < _WkL ) _WkL = L[ j ];		
				 WkH[ i ] = LastValue( _WkH );
				 WkL[ i ] = LastValue( _WkL );		 
		 GfxSetZOrder( -1 );
		 GfxSetCoordsMode( 0 );
		 GfxSelectSolidBrush( colorGrey40 );
		 GfxSelectPen( colorGrey40, 5, 0 );
		 for( i = fvb; i <= BarCount - 1; i++ ) {			 
			 if( FrstDayOfWkBi[ i ] ) {
				 pxX1 = BarToPxX( i ) + 0.4;
				 pxY1 = ValToPxY( WkO[ i ], 0 );
				 j = i + 1;
				 while( j < BarCount - 1 && !LastDayOfWkBi[ j ] ) j++;
				 pxX2 = BarToPxX( j ) - 0.4;
				 pxY2 = ValToPxY( WkC[ j ], 0 );
				 GfxRectangle( pxX1, pxY1, pxX2, pxY2 );
				 GfxMoveTo( ( pxX1 + pxX2 ) / 2, IIf( pxY1 < pxY2, pxY1, pxY2 ) );
				 GfxLineTo( ( pxX1 + pxX2 ) / 2, ValToPxY( WkH[ i ], 0 ) );
				 GfxMoveTo( ( pxX1 + pxX2 ) / 2, IIf( pxY1 < pxY2, pxY2, pxY1 ) );
				 GfxLineTo( ( pxX1 + pxX2 ) / 2, ValToPxY( WkL[ i ], 0 ) );
		 ShCurrTf = ParamToggle( "Show Current Interval Chart", "styleNoDraw|styleCandle", 0 );
		 Plot( C, "Price", colorDefault, IIf( ShCurrTf, styleCandle, styleNoDraw ), Null, Null, 0, 0 );
		 Title =
		 "{{INTERVAL}} Chart" +
		 "\n{{DATE}}\n" +
		 StrFormat( "O %1.2f H %1.2f L %1.2f C %1.2f", O, H, L, C );
		 RequestTimedRefresh( 1 );
	 else Title = "Preferred TimeFrame is less than Daily\nfor this piece of code";

(Click on the image to enlarge)

If an Expert makes the above loop-less or reduce the number of loops or shares any other efficient method, that would be a good learning for all of us.

Moreover, the codes shared in this thread are very good: