If I limit the number of allowable open positions, then Bar Replay portfolio backtest trades don't match the trade results of a full date-range portfolio backtest. If I don't constrain the number of open positions, then the Bar Replay backtest results match the results of a full date-range backtest.
When I limit the number of open positions (in my case to 12 in this example), if there is only one signal on a bar, then for that bar the result of the Bar Replay backtest will match the result of the full date-range backtest for that bar. In contrast, if multiple signals arise on a bar and PositionScore comes into play, that is when the result of the Bar Replay backtest may NOT match the result of the full date-range backtest for that bar.
Regarding #2 above, an excerpt of the Detail Log follows for the bar at 10:50:00. At this bar, the Bar Replay backtest goes short BA, whereas the full date-range backtest goes long MU. Prior to the 10:50:00 bar, the Bar Replay backtest trades matched the full date-range backtest trades.
Detail Log excerpt:
2021/04/13 10:50:00
Entry signals(score):MU=Buy(37.10079), BA=Short(-72.81805),
Exit signals:BA=Sell, MU=Cover,
Exit Long, BA, Price: 247.87, (Avg. exit pr. 247.87),
Shares: 10, Commission: 0.4, (Total comm.: 0.8), Profit: 9.3 (0.38 %), Entry rank:47.00171, Equity: 9999996, Fx rate: 1
Enter Long, MU, Price: 93.3181, Shares: 10, Commission: 0.4, Rank: 37.10079, Equity 9999996, Margin Loan: 466.7905, Fx rate: 1
12 Open Positions: , C (-10), , DD (-10), , TSLA (-10), , MRNA (+10), , IWM (+10), , IJR (+10), ,
NIO (+10), , PLUG (+10), , AMAT (-10), , XLI (+10), , XOP (-10), , MU (+10),
Market Value: 18113.89, Equity: 9999994.46, Cash: 9990989.79, Margin: -9109.22, Net Cash Balance: 9981880.57,
- I'm using a 15 second database. 'Database time interval' is set to 15 seconds
- The Periodicity setting in the Analysis window is set to a 15 seconds
- The Bar Replay 'Step Interval' Is set to 15 seconds
- Watchlist has 23 symbols
- Running a simple moving avg crossover to generate many trades for testing
- Trades go long and short
- "SeparateLongShortRank" set to True
When I utilize Bar Replay...
- I'm using a repeating Exploration to execute a Batch, that in turn, runs a backtest. The repeating Exploration runs every 15 seconds. So essentially, I have a Bar Replay backtest that runs every 15 seconds.
- For Bar Replay I use static vars to keep track of the number of open positions and manage the limit of 12 positions.
Can anybody help me see what I'm doing wrong?
// #pragma maxthreads 1 ;
//Determine type of Analysis data during Scan, Exploration or Backtest
// 1 = Real time streaming
// 2 = Bar Replay
// 3 = Date-range backtest
if( ! IsNull( GetRTData( "Last" ) ) )
// Repeating backtests with streaming data
StaticVarSet( "_analysisType", 1 );
if( GetPlaybackDateTime() > 0 )
// Bar Replay with repeating backtests
StaticVarSet( "_analysisType", 2 );
// Full date-range backtest
StaticVarSet( "_analysisType", 3 );
_analysisType = StaticVarGet( "_analysisType" );
// Set configuration variables for run time
// Set which CBT backtest mode? 1 = backtestRegular 2 = backtestRegularRaw 3 = backtestRegularRawMulti
whichBacktestMode = 2 ; // backtestRegular is the Amibroker default. If no setting is specified, backtestRegular applies.
StaticVarSet( "_backtestMode", whichBacktestMode ); // use this to know which backtest mode is in use.
// Trace vars
tracePhase1Loop = 0;
tracePhase1SignalsBarReplay = 1 ;
tracePhase1SignalsLoop = 0 ;
traceNewBarTime = 0 ;
// Date, time & trading hours vars
Buy = Short = Sell = Cover = 0 ;
BuyPrice = ShortPrice = SellPrice = CoverPrice = Close ;
dt = DateTime();
dtStr = DateTimeToStr( LastValue( dt ), 3 ); // option 3 = YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format
tn = TimeNum(); // TimeNum examples... 093000 = 9:30 AM 110000 = 11:00 AM 133000 = 1:30 PM 154500 = 3:45 PM
bir = Status( "barinrange" );
myPeriodicity = Interval(); // bar duration in seconds
newBarTime = Ref( tn, -1 );
newBarTimeFlag = IIf( tn != Ref( tn, -1 ), 1, 0 );
myDayStr = Date();
myDayDT = StrToDateTime( myDayStr ) ;
myTime = StrFormat( "%02.0f:%02.0f:%02.0f", Hour(), Minute(), Second() ); // hh:mm:ss format
// Trading hours start time and end time
startTimeTN = 093000; // start in TimeNum() HHMMSS format
endTimeTN = 155500; // end in TimeNum() HHMMSS format
// Time OK trading hours date range
timeOK = tn >= startTimeTN AND tn < endTimeTN;
// Set other vars section
// Bar counter
rtBarCount = Nz( StaticVarGet( "_rtBarCount" ) );
// Other misc vars
ticName = Name();
bi = BarIndex();
clearDBV = 0;
// Set Options
SetOption( "usecustombacktestproc", 0 );
SetOption( "AllowSameBarExit", 1 );
SetOption("HoldMinBars", 1 );
SetOption("SeparateLongShortRank", 1 );
// Configure ReverseSignalForcesExit
oppositeSignalForcesExit = False;
SetOption( "ReverseSignalForcesExit", oppositeSignalForcesExit ); // True = reverse entry signal forces exit of existing trade
// Position Sizing & Initial Equity
SetOption( "InitialEquity", 10000000 );
maxPositions = 12 ;
SetOption( "MaxOpenPositions", maxPositions );
SetOption( "MinShares", 10 );
SetOption( "MinPosValue", 0 );
SetPositionSize( 10, spsShares );
RoundLotSize = 10;
PositionScore = 100 - RSI();
// end position sizing
// Other Stuff
SetTradeDelays( 0, 0, 0, 0 );
//SetOption( "MinShares", 50 );
SetOption( "PriceBoundChecking", False );
SetOption( "ActivateStopsImmediately", True );
SetOption( "AllowPositionShrinking", 1 );
SetOption( "AccountMargin", 50 );
SetOption( "CommissionMode", 3 );
SetOption( "CommissionAmount", 0.04 );
// This section controls which backtest mode will run based on the whichBacktestMode var set prior to this point
if( whichBacktestMode == 1 )
SetBacktestMode( backtestRegular );
whichBacktestModeStr = "BacktestRegular" ;
if( whichBacktestMode == 2 )
whichBacktestModeStr = "BacktestRegularRaw" ;
SetBacktestMode( backtestRegularRaw );
if( whichBacktestMode == 3 )
SetBacktestMode( backtestRegularRawMulti );
whichBacktestModeStr = "BacktestRegularRawMulti" ;
// Initialization - Functions & Static vars for startup
// function createSymbolStaticVars( listNum, dt )
// Function to create variables that store various parameters relatcreateSymbolStaticVars( listNum, dt)
// Create and initialize static vars for each symbol in the watchlist
// This code should only be be run once at the start of a realtime trading session
function createSymbolStaticVars( listNum )
if( Status( "stocknum" ) == 0 )
_TRACE( "# Running createSymbolStaticVars... \n" );
// Delete all static vars
StaticVarRemove( "*" );
// Get the first list in the Amibroker Watchlist window. This will be List 0 by default, but you typically import
// a watchlist into postion 0 so it will likely have a name other than List 0. The function is called with listnum = 0
symlist = GetCategorySymbols( categoryWatchlist, listnum );
symCount = StrCount( symlist , "," ) + 1;
StaticVarSet( "_watchlistSymCount", symCount );
for( i = 0; ( sym = StrExtract( symlist, i ) ) != ""; i++ )
//_TRACE( "# Symbol = " + sym );
StaticVarSet( sym + "_prevPos", 0 );
StaticVarSet( sym + "_prevPosDT", Null );
function resetStaticVars()
_TRACE( "# Executing resetStaticVars..." );
//StaticVarSet( "InitializationDone", 0 );
StaticVarSet( "startingDT", dt );
StaticVarSet( "_rtBarCount", 0 );
// Run once via Nz( StaticVarGet("InitializationDone")
if( Nz( StaticVarGet( "InitializationDone" ) ) == 0 )
StaticVarSet( "InitializationDone", 1 );
if( Status( "stocknum" ) == 0 )
//_TRACE( "# Running initialization code. InitDone var = " + StaticVarGet( "InitializationDone" ) );
// code for first execution goes below this line
// Create static vars for each symbol in the List 0 watchlist
// List 0 is the first watchlist in the watchlist window
createSymbolStaticVars( 0 );
resetStaticVars() ;
//Say( "hi, good morning", 0 );
// The starting date/time of your APX
StaticVarSet( "startingDT", dt );
} // end if( Nz( StaticVarGet( "InitializationDone" ) ) != 1 )
// Find out how many positions are open
// During Bar Replay the position count will be used as a comparison to the maximum open positions value.
function zOpenPositionCount( listNum )
// Get the first list in the Amibroker Watchlist window. This will be List 0 by default, but you typically import
// a watchlist into postion 0 so it will likely have a name other than List 0. The function is called with listnum = 0
symlist = GetCategorySymbols( categoryWatchlist, listnum );
zOpenPosCount = 0 ;
for( i = 0; ( sym = StrExtract( symlist, i ) ) != ""; i++ )
zOpenPosStatus = StaticVarGet(sym + "_prevPos" );
if ( zOpenPosStatus != 0 )
zOpenPosCount = zOpenPosCount + 1 ;
//_TRACE("# "+ sym + " zOpenPosStatus = " + zOpenPosStatus + " zOpenPosCount = " + zOpenPosCount);
return zOpenPosCount ;
// Moving Averages
// Generate abunch of test signals
MA1 = 5;
MA2 = 100;
ema1 = EMA( C, MA1 );
ema2 = EMA( C, MA2 );
maCrossBuy = Cross( ema1, ema2 );
maCrossSell = Cross( ema2, ema1 );
maCrossCover = maCrossBuy;
maCrossShort = maCrossSell;
refCloseOlder = -3 ;
refCloseNewer = -1 ;
maintainBuy = IIf( Ref( C, refCloseNewer ) >= Ref( C, refCloseOlder ), 1, 0 );
maintainSell = IIf( Ref( C, refCloseNewer ) <= Ref( C, refCloseOlder ), 1, 0 );
refMaCross = -6 ;
// Maintain the position state of each symbol... open short = -1 no open position = 0 and open long = 1
// previous position state... open short = -1 no position = 0 open long = 1
_prevPos = StaticVarGet( ticName + "_prevPos" );
// the datetime that _prevPos was last changed
_prevPosDT = LastValue (StaticVarGet( ticName + "_prevPosDT" ));
// the bar index at the time _prevPos was last changed
prevPosBar = Lookup(BarIndex(), _prevPosDT, 1);
_prevPos= IIf ( tn <= 093000, 0, _prevPos) ;
_prevPosDT= IIf ( tn <= 093000, Null, _prevPosDT) ;
// Buy & Sell Conditions
startRunDT = StaticVarGet( "startingDT" );
barsSinceStart = BarsSince( dt <= startRunDT );
dt2 = DateTimeToStr( LastValue(Ref(dt,0)) , 5);
// Get the openpositions count
zOpenPosCount = zOpenPositionCount( 0 ) ;
BC1 = Ref( maCrossBuy, refMaCross );
BC2 = maintainBuy;
BC3 = _prevPos != 1 ;
BC4 = IIf(zOpenPosCount < maxPositions, 1,
IIf(zOpenPosCount == maxPositions AND _prevPos == -1, 1, 0));
SC1 = Ref( maCrossSell, refMaCross );
SC2 = maintainSell;
SC3 = _prevPos != -1 ;
SC4 = IIf(zOpenPosCount < maxPositions, 1,
IIf(zOpenPosCount == maxPositions AND _prevPos == 1, 1, 0));
Buy = IIf(bir AND timeOK AND BC1 AND BC2 AND BC3 AND BC4, 1, 0 );
Short = IIf( bir AND timeOK AND SC1 AND SC2 AND SC3 AND SC4, 1, 0 );
Buy = ExRem( Buy, Short );
Short = ExRem( Short, Buy );
Sell = Short;
Cover = Buy;
_prevPos = IIf(Buy, 1, IIf(Short, -1, LastValue(_prevPos) ));
_prevPosDT = IIf(Buy OR Short, dt, LastValue(_prevPosDT) );
StaticVarSet( ticName + "_prevPos", LastValue(_prevPos) );
StaticVarSet( ticName + "_prevPosDT", LastValue(_prevPosDT) );
InShort = Flip(Short, Cover);
InLong = Flip(Buy, Sell);
InTrade = InLong OR InShort;
// isEntryOrExit is useful if you export your results to a CSV file
// use this var value to filter for all rows that have an entry or an exit signal
isEntryOrExit = IIf(Buy OR Sell OR Short OR Cover , 1, 0);
// Update the open positions count
zOpenPosCount = zOpenPositionCount( 0 ) ;
if( tracePhase1SignalsBarReplay )
if( LastValue( Buy ) OR LastValue( Sell ) )
_TRACE( "#, " + ticName + ", " + DateTimeToStr( LastValue( dt ) ) + ", " + DateTimeToStr( LastValue( _prevPosDT ) ) + ", "
+ zOpenPosCount + ", " + Buy + ", " + Sell + ", " + Short + ", " + Cover + ", " + PositionScore + ", "
+ inLong + ", " + inShort + ", "
+ _prevPos + ", " + prevPosBar + ", " + bi + ", " + isEntryOrExit + ", " + Close );
// Exploration stuff
if( Status( "action" ) == actionExplore )
bir = Status( "barinrange" );
//Filter = ( Buy OR Sell OR Short OR Cover);
//Filter = ticName == "NIO" OR ticName == "AAPL" ;
Filter = 1;
//Filter = (Buy OR Sell OR Short OR Cover) AND tn >= startTimeTN AND tn < endTimeTN ;
//Filter = eodExitLongFlag OR eodExitShortFlag ;
AddColumn(_prevPosDT, "_prevPosDT", formatDateTime);
AddColumn( Buy , "Buy" );
AddColumn( Sell , "Sell" );
AddColumn( Short , "Short" );
AddColumn( Cover , "Cover" );
AddColumn( inLong, "inLong" );
AddColumn( inShort, "inShort" );
AddColumn( inTrade, "inTrade" );
AddColumn( positionScore, "positionScore" );
AddColumn( highestPosScore, "highestPosScore" );
AddColumn( _prevPos, "_prevPos" );
AddColumn( _prevPosDT, "_prevPosDT" );
AddColumn( prevPosBar, "prevPosBar" );
AddColumn( bi, "barIndex" );
AddColumn( isEntryOrExit, "isEntryOrExit" );
AddColumn( Close, "Close" );
// Reset static vars section
trigger = ParamTrigger( "Reset Static Vars.......", "Click here to reset" );
trigger2 = ParamTrigger( "Create CSV header.......", "Click here to create CSV header" );
if( trigger )
//bar = 0 ;
_prevPos = 0;
//Reset static vars
createSymbolStaticVars( 0 );
trigger = 0;
if( trigger2 )
if( tracePhase1SignalsBarReplay )
_TRACE( "#, ticName, dt, _prevPosDT, zOpenPosCount, buy, sell, short, cover, posScore, inLong, inShort, prevPos, prevPosBar, bi, isEntryOrExit, Close " );
trigger2 = 0;
// Function to clear internal and external TRACE logs
function clearLogs()
if( traceOther )
_TRACE( "# DBGVIEWCLEAR" ); // clears the external log file in the Microsoft Debugviewer app
_TRACE( "!CLEAR!" ); // clears the internal log file in the Amibroker app
// Run once code - various forms of 'Run once' code are in this section
// Run once via Status( "stocknum" ) == 0
if( Status( "stocknum" ) == 0 )
// Code in this section will run once at the start of each new bar
// Code in this section is not applied to each symbol
// run once code goes below this line
// play a sound at the beginning of each new bar
// -----------------------------------------------
// PlaySound( "c:\\windows\\media\\ding.wav" );
// increment bar counter for real time processing
rtBarCount = rtBarCount + 1;
StaticVarSet( "_rtBarCount", rtBarCount );
// send timestamp of each new bar to trace output
//-------------------------------------------------- -
if( traceNewBarTime )
//_TRACE( "# \n" );
_TRACE( "# Running APX at timeNum = " + myTime + " rtBarCount = " + rtBarCount + " \n" );
//_TRACE( "# \n" );
// If the clearDBV is true, then call the clearLogs function
// Is this useful? Likely not necessary if trace statements are controlled by conditional flags?
// -----------------------------------------------------------
if( clearDBV )
} // end run code once if( Status( "stocknum" ) == 0 )
if( Status( "actionEx" ) == actionExOptimizePortfolio )
createSymbolStaticVars( 0 );