What function is for data Normalization as formula below?
Thank you.
What function is for data Normalization as formula below?
Thank you.
Read about creation of custom user function(s).
So, to bring upper equation to AB function it is as simple as this:
function Normalization(x, x_min, x_max) {
z = (x - x_min) / (x_max - x_min + 1e-9);
return z;
E.g. x_min
may be LLV and x_max
be HHV().
So e.g.
x_min = LLV(C,100);
x_max = HHV(C,100);
z = Normalization(C, x_min, x_max);
As aside lately there has been implemented a function named Remap() in AB 6.30.
Remap( value, srcMin, srcMax, dstMin, dstMax )
Mathematically the function performs the following linear transformation:
result = (value - srcMin) * (dstMax - dstMin) / (srcMax - srcMin) + dstMin;
function is official way to do normalization.