What is the maximal document or analysis can we open without close it ?
I try to open 20 Both Document And Analysis seem no problem.
But If we didn't close the document or analysis and still keep open it, is there any limit to the document or analysis can be open ?
Iam doing a project bot telegram and amibroker which bot telegram will call a chart or analysis from amibroker. The user might be a ten thousand or thousand above maybe a hundred thousand. I want to know if amibroker can handle this since to export chart and analysis we need to open the document chart or open the analysis windows to export it.
But for now I have limit the document or analysis to 20. When the document or analysis reach 20 it will close by automatically. This is to prevent too many document or analysis opened.
Also i try to use InternetPostRequest seem it look very slow just to execute truncate for mysql. The process is very slow. Any Advice for me ?
It is not about AmiBroker. It is about Windows.Windows Operating System has limits on number of open windows per process. Opening tens of thousands of windows will not work because of Windows OS limits (note that each control - every small button, checkbox, edit field, radio button is a window in Windows, one document may use many windows and they all count).
It is recommended to keep the number of open documents low as each window consumes memory.
InternetPostRequest is NOT slow. It solely depends on how fast RESPONSE is and it is as fast as the RESPONDING SERVER is. So if it is slow for you, responding side (the server) is slow.
According to you. If we limit the document to 50 or 100 is it Okay ?
I have my own OLE JScript which It will create when client run the bot. Client will have thier own JScript to execute to export chart or analysis. So if I have 1000 client in the telegram bot. Then the JSCript with create 1000 file which the name for its telegram id. And client will only run the JScript create by them. So every client will not execute the same file.
Did you have any solution for amibroker to handle a thousand or ten thousand or hundred thousand client ?
And I put the URL to my server. I try run it manually using the button explorer. But when I run with "ApplyTo" Current it run fast, but when "ApplyTo" All Symbol. It run so slow.
What should I do ?
AmiBroker is a desktop client application with GUI to be used by the person who licensed the software. You are trying to use it as a GUI-less server serving 10K+ requests from internet. What's more you surely want to do that all using SINGLE-USER license for AmiBroker. That is not what AmiBroker is intended for.
As I wrote, this has nothing to do with AmiBroker. Your server responds slowly if there are more requests (typically HTTP servers have limited number of connections that they can handle simultaneously, the rest waits)