Been using AMiquote for about 2 i received this error when downloading quotes. tried rebooting my laptop and the error still occurs.
anyone having same issue?
Been using AMiquote for about 2 i received this error when downloading quotes. tried rebooting my laptop and the error still occurs.
anyone having same issue?
Yes, everybody is having the same issue.
I just woke up Saturday morning (September 7, 2024) and I already received tons of emails today. Please refrain from sending more emails / posts on this subject as my inbox is already flooded.
Please watch this thread for updates & solutions
The workaround for now is to use Tiingo and other alternative sources that AmiQuote supports.
Tiingo offers all US Stocks and works faster than Yahoo.
You might also use Norgate Data which delivers way more value than Yahoo, including survivorship bias free databases.
As for Yahoo, they removed "Download data" link from their web site, also they changed entire backend and now they are delivering data in JSON format. This is downloadable, but not using old method.
I am currently investigating possibility of adding new "user-definable" data source to handle this.
As written earlier, the long term solution are more user-friendly alternatives like Tiingo and Norgate.
To clean up apparent confusion: please note that NorgateData is paid data source with their own data plugin: Norgate Data - AmiBroker Plugin Overview It does not require / does not use AmiQuote, it is completely separate.
To handle this breaking change made by Yahoo, an AmiQuote update will be needed. I hope to get this done by Monday, September 9th, 2024.
Please do not panic.
Yahoo downloads in AmiQuote are coming back soon.
UPDATE: Downloads are working now using AmiQuote 4.16 AmiQuote 4.16 released
You are a star Tomasz!!
Thank you for your prompt response.
UPDATE: Obsolete instructions removed. You DO NOT need to download and import data source separately. Just install version 4.16 AmiQuote 4.16 released
Thank you Tomasz for your quick support. Unfortunately, the downloaded quotes are always the same, independent on the ticker I'm loading. In addition, it currently only downlaods 4 quotes per ticker, independent on the From and To date given. Thank you very much for checking.
Regarding the symbol issue - this is solved now, please re-download the .ADS file from the post above, and re-import it into AmiQuote.
Regarding From-To dates, yes it downloads from September 1 as explained earlier, due to the fact that new URLS use Unix timestamps and AmiQuote 4.15 can't provide UNIX time in the URL. That would require next version of AmiQuote, but the point is that you can use this workaround NOW, with existing AmiQuote 4.15 to download quotes NOW without waiting for software update, not tommorrow.
It's working fine now. Thanks
Hello Tomasz,
i can confirm AQ 4.15 , Yahoo Finance (second Version), is working correct.
Thank you for your extreme fast investigation/research !
Thanks For Quick Support -
thank you
thanks so much for the dedicated support on a weekend.
Hi Tomasz,
It is working for me now.
Your quick support is one of the reasons I am using Amibroker for more than 10 years and have paid for upgrades several times.
Thank you Tomasz, your support is absolutely amazing!
This workaround custom data source is working perfectly here - thank you Tomasz
Thank you for the early fix for Amiquote. working fine for me.
I repeated the download, as adviced. I just can update the last 4 days ???
What shall I do?
Thank you.
Hi Tomasz,
will this be the "final" solution?
Or may we expect a new Amiquote Version?
Kind regards