Hi expert,
I'm trying to write a formula that will give me:
Brake Out of Bollinger Bands + Volume
Pull back under the MA200
I wrote part of the formula.
To do this, I use ZigZag (ChZZ – line 29)
With ChZZ I can easily find the ZZ for my upward and downward wave
But I can't use ChZZ (Ex.: Trough(C, ChZZ, 1) line 44) because AB tells me:
Error 5. The function expected a NUMBER here, but found an ARRAY
I would like to know the length of my wave (LongV)
To validate that the bottom of the start of the wave is below the MA200
And find the HHV(Macd(), LongV) before the start of this wave
Thank you Expert
Yves L.
/* BrOut BB Daily et PB under MA200 */
V20= MA(V,20) ;
V50= IIf(IsNull(MA(V,50)),V20,MA(V,50)) ;
V100= IIf(IsNull(MA(V,100)),V50,MA(V,100)) ;
V200= IIf(IsNull(MA(V,200)),V100,MA(V,200)) ;
VolMin= Min(Min(V20,V50),Min(V100,V200)) ;
Plot(VolMin,"V-Min",colorTeal,styleOwnScale );
function BBT(Ind,P) { bon= BBandTop(Ind,P,2) ; return bon ; } ;
function CrBB(Ind,P) { bon= Cross(C,BBT(Ind,P)) ; return bon ; } ;
function CrBbVol(Ind,P) { bon= CrBB(Ind,P) AND V>=VolMin ; return bon ; } ;
CrBbD= (CrBBVol(C,15) OR CrBBVol(C,20)) AND V>= 1.15*VolMin ;
Plot(CrBbD,"CrBB-D+Vol",colorblue,styleOwnScale );
MA200= MA(C,200) ;
CrSto= Cross(StochD(9,3,3),StochK(9,3)) ;
//Plot(CrSto,"Cr(Stock-NA)",colorteal,styleOwnScale );
LongCrBbD= BarsSince(CrBbD) ;
Plot(LongCrBbD,"Long-CrBB",colorblue,styleOwnScale );
Haut= HHV(C,LongCrBbD+2) ;
Plot(Haut,"Haut)",colorRed,styleOwnScale );
// Limiter la longueur du haut ???????????????
BarH= HHVBars(C,LongCrBbD+2) ;
Plot(BarH,"LongHaut",colorRed,styleOwnScale );
BarBas= LLVBars(C, BarH) ;
Plot(BarBas,"LongBas)",colorBlue,styleOwnScale );
// chercher le bon ZZ
ChZZ= IIf(Haut== Peak(C,60,1),60, IIf(Haut== Peak(C,55,1),55,
IIf(Haut== Peak(C,50,1),50, IIf(Haut== Peak(C,45,1),45,
IIf(Haut== Peak(C,40,1),40, IIf(Haut== Peak(C,35,1),35,
IIf(Haut== Peak(C,30,1),30, IIf(Haut== Peak(C,27,1),27,
IIf(Haut== Peak(C,25,1),25, IIf(Haut== Peak(C,22,1),22,
IIf(Haut== Peak(C,20,1),20, IIf(Haut== Peak(C,17,1),17,
IIf(Haut== Peak(C,15,1),15, IIf(Haut== Peak(C,12,1),12,
IIf(Haut== Peak(C,10,1),10, IIf(Haut== Peak(C,9,1),9,
IIf(Haut== Peak(C,8,1),8, IIf(Haut== Peak(C,7,1),7,
IIf(Haut== Peak(C,6,1),6, IIf(Haut== Peak(C,5,1),5,
IIf(Haut== Peak(C,4,1),4, IIf(Haut== Peak(C,3,1),3,
0)))))))))))))))))))))) ;
Plot(ChZZ,"\nZZ",colorCustom12,styleOwnScale|styleDashed );
// Bug line 44
//Plot( Trough(C, ChZZ , 1),"Bas",colorBlack,styleOwnScale );
HautOK= Ref(C,-BarH) >= Ref(Ma200,-BarH) ; // Top over MA200
LongBas=LLVBars(C, BarH) ;
BasOK= Ref(C,-LongBas)<= Ref(Ma200,-LongBas) ; // Low under MA200
CrStoOK= CrSto AND HautOK AND BasOK ;
Buy=CrStoOK ;
Plot(Buy,"Buy",colorBlack,styleOwnScale|styleThick );
//Trough(ARRAY, change, n = 1)
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